Saturday, March 23, 2013

The healthy chef's Banana Bread

Hello Everyone :) I know this blog is a bit slow and I apologise to all my dedicated fans that follow this. By dedicated fans I mean two fans, and by two fans I mean two friends - Emily and Carly. Check out their blogs. Much more productive than mine.

Anyways, today I attempted to cook a gluten free, healthy banana bread. Usually healthy and banana bread go together, but I think I can safely say that this version is much better alternative than your regular cafe version. 

This is a Teresa Cutter recipe from her website This website was reccommended to me by a fabulous friend named Lotte and I really do like some of her recipes.

Looking at the recipe, I was a little worried that it wouldn't turn out. Me and new ingredients don't work well together. Also, almond meal (which Teresa often uses in her recipes) is pretty expensive so I probably won't be making this all the time... I'll have to find somewhere that sells it in bulk.

Here we go:

300 g mashed ripe banana (I used about 2 bananas)

3 eggs

2 tablespoons honey 
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
1/4 cup olive oil
1/2 teaspoon of ground cinnamon (I love cinnamon so I added more)
1/2  teaspoon of baking soda + 1 tablespoon lemon juice
2 cups of almond meal
1/4 cup of ground flax seed (linseed)

1. Turn the oven to 160 degrees - don't forget - I always forget. 
Mash the banana. Then combine with the honey, oil, cinnamon, vanilla essence, bicarb soda and lemon.

2. I forgot to add the eggs. Please do add the eggs in step 1!

3. Add the almond meal and the flax seed. Mix it well.

4. Pour the batter into a rectangle baking tin and bake for about 45mins - 1 hour...or until the skewer is clean!

I added some dark chocolate choc chips on top just to spice things up a bit.

5. ENJOY! So yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

1 comment:

  1. Teena! Holy bananas (ha) this blog is adorable!
    Holy bananas also: I started one almost IDENTICAL on New Year's Day and gave up like... Minutes later haha. I baked a loaf of bread that was truly disgusting and got discouraged.
    Well done on putting all this effort in! It's looking very delicious :) xxx
    (I don't know if its going to post my name when I comment ... It's Sam ... Kokoulis)
